Big Fat Money | Van Halen |

Big Fat Money

Testo Big Fat Money

some say money is bad for the soul
bad for the rock, bad for the roll
bad for the heart, bad for the brain
bad for damn near everything
oh yeah...
it must be good for something
come on pay the rent
telephone, telefax, telefunkin‘ teletrash
tell a cop, tell a friend, think we hit the stoney end
nothing left, nothing right
now they want a bigger bite
everybody wants some
everybody wants big money, oh yeah
they want big, fat money
that‘s what I want
big fat money
too much temptation
enough to kill a generation
space station, starvation, premature ejaculation
this ain‘t groovin‘, this ain‘t funky
it‘s on my back but it ain‘t my monkey, no
oh yeah, gimme some of that big, fat money
that‘s what I want
big fat money
big fat money
smoke this, eat that my ol‘ lady‘s gettin‘ fat
high rise, high rent before it‘s earned, it‘s all been spent
where‘s it gonna come from?
who‘s it gonna go to?
ain‘t beatin‘, but I‘m being eatin‘ by money, oh yeah
big, big money, gimme, gimme, gimme
some of that big, fat money, alright
that‘s what I want
well alright, oh, big, big money
now gimme, gimme, gimme
some of that big money
that‘s what I want
that‘s all I need
gimme big, fat money
gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
gimme some of that big fat money

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